Zones for snow, wind and earthquake

05-0217 : Automated multi-directional orography analyser (14/01/2025)

The feature for obtaining altitudes along a line, drawing the terrain profile, and calculating the orography factor for isolated hills, ridges, cliffs, or escarpments has been completely revamped and enhanced. It now handles multiple directions simultaneously and is fully automated for greater convenience.

04-0717 : Addition of Germany (14/06/2024)

Snow load, wind peak velocity pressures and seismic accelerations can be obtained in Germany.

03-1026 : General updates (23/09/2023)

Usability improvements, minor and security updates.

01-0719 : Improved accuracy of elevations in continental Europe. (16/06/2021)

Elevations determination is now based on the European digital elevation model Copernicus instead of NASA SRTM digital elevation model.

01-0329 : Update of the fundamental value of the basic wind velocity (Vb,0) for New Caledonia. (26/02/2021)

According to decree N° 2020-1287/GNC of August 18, 2020 setting the list of standards and technical texts applicable in New Caledonia, the basic wind velocity (Vb,0) used is 36 m/s and the reference to terrain category IV is removed.

00-0321 : Automatic calculation of distances to coasts in Italy (18/02/2020)

The distances to the coasts in each of the wind directions are calculated automatically by Eurocodes Zoning software.

00-0313 : Advanced tool for orography (10/02/2020)

Addition of a tool which makes it possible to obtain altitudes on a line, to draw the profile of the terrain and to automatically calculate the orography factor for isolated hills, ridges, cliff or escarpments.

00-0301 : Addition of Italy (29/01/2020)

Snow load and wind peak velocity pressures can be obtained in Italy. The seismic parameters can be found at

00-0223 : Addition of Luxembourg (20/01/2020)

Snow load, wind peak velocity pressures and seismic accelerations can be obtained in Luxembourg.

00-0219 : Addition of Belgium (16/01/2020)

The snow zones, wind zones and seismic zones can be obtained in Belgium. Calculation of directional factor, roughness factor, probability factor from the design working life of the building.

00-0000 : First upload with France (28/10/2019)

The snow zones, wind zones and seismic zones can be obtained in France. Calculation of directional factor, orography factor, roughness factor, probability factor from the design working life of the building.